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Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder,Depression and Anorexia,I am described as a 'chronic' self harmer.My pets are my life,why don't you get to know us :)

Tuesday 22 March 2011


Also I wanted to tell you guys that I have signed up to start adult beginners ballet classes. Ballet was always something I had wanted to do as a child, but I came from a very large and very skint family who couldn't afford luxuries like ballet and horse riding, both of which I had always wanted to do. So I discovered a adult beginners ballet class, I spoke to the teacher and asked if I would look like a plank, she laughed and said no I wouldn't look like a plank, so I am going for a trial session on Tuesday afternoon.

It is like living a childhood dream, I feel excited and nervous, but really keen. So that will be my pilates class that I rejoined 3 weeks ago and hopefully ballet class once a week. My main hope is that if I spend my money on things like this, healthy fun things, then I wont have the option to spend the money on binging. I had pilates this evening and I have to pay double next week as I didn't have any money left to pay todays session. So that means next week I have to pay out two lots of £8 for pilates and £8 for ballet. That happens to be the day I get my money, so that means that money will be gone and that is £24 I wont have sat in my purse waiting for me to crack and buy binge food.

I actually prefer it when I have an empty purse, I hate the responsibly of having money, I am pleased I am going to be spending money on something good.

Before long I will be dancing around in a pink too-too! 

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