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Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder,Depression and Anorexia,I am described as a 'chronic' self harmer.My pets are my life,why don't you get to know us :)

Thursday 24 March 2011

I am going to be busy

I have decided that now is the time to fill my days with things, I have spent the last few years doing bugger all, mainly due to the fact I have spent most of the last few years in deep depression. I am going to change this, I am going to get busy.

Pilates once a week, ballet once a week, Mind drop in support group once a week. Busy busy busy. I used to attend the mind drop in group, I used to go four times a week, it was my life line when I first got ill and lost my job. They really did keep me alive, I even took a huge overdose one day and walked across town to the group and turned up barley able to stand. They got me an ambulance and looked after me until they arrived and even a person from the group came in the ambulance with me. They were great, but there came a time where I just didn't fit in any more, I almost out grew the group, as I was getting stronger and 'better' the group started to hold me back. But then I crashed, everything went to shit again, I think it is time to go back. Unfortunately they lost a lot of their funding, so it has gone from being open four days a week to just two half days, it is a shame as there are people that attend that have nothing else, the people at Mind are their family. I hate to think what has happened to these people, I guess I will find out when I rejoin.

Any ideas of what else I could be doing?

1 comment:

  1. Good to have stuff to be doing. That Mind group sounds good/interesting/useful. Too bad about their budget reductions having shrunk them - or at least their days/hours.
