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Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder,Depression and Anorexia,I am described as a 'chronic' self harmer.My pets are my life,why don't you get to know us :)

Monday 21 March 2011

Sorry for making people worry

I have had a long hard think and have decided it was really unfair of me to be posting so much about something that I would worry if any of my friends were doing. The last thing I want is to seem like I am encouraging anyone to do what I do, it would break my heart to read a friend post what I have been posting. I am sorry if I made anyone worry. So I wont post about my fast in any detail.

I thought I would share my gory operation photos with you, they are from an operation I had on my jaw about a year and a half ago as I have degenerative bone disease. Unfortunately it looks like I will be going under the knife once more as my joint is once again deteriorating.

Enjoy the pics, I love them!

Loving the hair in this one :)

This was just after the dressings were taken off
my face is really swollen and I had a black eye 

It was these stitches in my ear
that hurt the most

I was very lucky to be left with hardly
any scaring on my face


  1. *Do* take care of yourself. Bleeding - out either or both ends, isn't good. You should see the doctor about that - could be something serious - or not - but you generally won't know if you don't have it checked. Don't be afraid to go to doctor (or dentist, or psychiatrist or psychologist, etc.) - they're there to help you.

    Fasting - *not* a good idea - especially for a week, and when your weight/BMI is so low to start with. It's hazardous/dangerous - and you know, or at least somewhere inside, you know that. Whether you tell us you're doing it, or not, ... either way, your fasting is not a good idea. "95 pound weakling" - you've probably heard the expression - well, you've gone under 95 pounds, quite hazardous - might be a bit different if you were very short and light frame, but you're not that small a frame. In any case, fasting - especially extended fasting, not a good idea, and an even worse idea when one has quite low weight/BMI to start with.

    Your blog, you can pretty much do with it as you see fit.
    Upset, worried, "triggered", etc. - never really know how others will think/feel/react - and to a large extent, one isn't really responsible for that. Sure, no need or call to be mean, vindictive, etc., but I think there's much value in being able to quite openly express oneself - what one's feeling, thinking, doing, concerns, etc. Of course there's appropriateness (or lack thereof) in time, place, manner, etc. ... but gotta be getting that stuff out/down/expressed ... stuffing it down and *not* talking (or writing, etc.) about it isn't good.

    I hope you're doing - and feeling - better soon.

  2. Dont not wrtie about things because of your readers.....the whole point in blogging is so that you can wrtie your thoughts and opinions down......I somethimes think that I wont write about something because of others opinions....BUT then what is the point in blogging if you are not getting everything out that you want to. Am I even making sense I dont know!! Basically Im saying its your blog so you should write what you want. Write about it or not I will still worry because I care....just like you would worry about me :)
    x x x x
    P.s the photos are a bit gruesome....your a very brave lady if you ask me
