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Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder,Depression and Anorexia,I am described as a 'chronic' self harmer.My pets are my life,why don't you get to know us :)

Wednesday 2 March 2011

What a fucking joke

Tittle says it all, I am a fucking joke. I lost Ben, my new hamster earlier, I was holding him and lost concentration and he slipped from my hand. He was gone and I couldn't find him any where, believe me I searched and so did Bob and Betty. I got my self in such a state, who in the world is stupid enough to lose their hamster??? So what did I do after crying my eyes out for over an hour, I went to the shop and spent £20 of the money my Dad had hours before given to me to help me pay my rent. I spent £20 of my Dads money on binge food, I came home and stuffed my face like the fat greedy pig that I am.

I binged because I lost my hamster, pathetic.

Ben is safe now, Betty found him for me, she wanted to play with him, but I thought it was best he went safely back in his cage.

I went to my appointment with my psychologist in the end. I ended up crying, surprise surprise! I am going to keep going, I think I was just being silly when I said I wanted to be discharged, I guess if I was a child you would say I was acting out or having a tantrum. Any ways, my psychologist is some one I need and I know that.

I would like to say a big shout out to the lovely ladies Amy and Danielle, you two are the best!!!


  1. Naw, ... you're not a joke. You're a fine, nice, wonderful, caring person.

    Ben ... lost ... and found :-)
    Well, tiny little pet like that - it's potentially quite easy to get lost. But Bob and Betty have been carefully studying and sniffing Ben for days, just to be fully prepared for a quick search and retrieval operation if called for - after all, they certainly wouldn't want Ben making his way outside of the house or anywhere they may not be able to retrieve him. I know it's hard, but try not to panic or work yourself up too much over it. Keep working on healthy ways of coping and dealing with stress, etc.

    And no, you're not a fat greedy pig - nothing of the sort. So you got stressed/worried/scared, and didn't react too well to it. Well, keep working on better dealing with stressful situations and such ... healthy coping, healthy ways of dealing with stress, etc.

    Good that you went to your therapy appointment. Do try to keep working on going to your appointments, therapy/treatment, etc. - all works to help you and help yourself get better.

    And yes, Amy & Danielle rock! :-)

  2. Hey Amy, don't worry about losing Ben. Roberovski's are the fastest hamster breed there is!

    When I had mine (called Coby after the lead singer of Papa Roach when I was 13, needless to say my mum wasn't impressed by the name ;)), he escaped in the car within 20 minutes of getting him! My mum had parked the car to get the cage from a different shop and I wanted to just peek at him in the box so I peeled it open and he was already ready to launch out! He ended up somewhere under my feet. My mum came back, my face white with worry as I couldn't pick him up in time and he'd gone seemingly into the engine. We searched for an hour, pulling bits of the car apart, hoping he'd not got through to the outside. My mum thought all hope was lost and he'd be dead but we had to drive home as we really couldn't find him. 2 hours of searching when safely home (having driven 7-8 miles...!) he was hidden between the engine and the casing of the footwell, he was fine! :)

    Thanks for the shoutout, you are so sweet, and don't worry about losing him :) Glad you have some awesome sniffer cats! xxx
