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Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder,Depression and Anorexia,I am described as a 'chronic' self harmer.My pets are my life,why don't you get to know us :)

Thursday 17 March 2011

Going on a water fast

Tomorrow morning I am starting a week long water and green tea fast, why? because today I have binged like you wouldn't believe and I can't bare it, I cannot get caught up in this again, so the only thing I can do is do something drastic to make sure I do not fall into another major binge cycle.

I feel like shit this evening, mainly because of the fact I ran out of one of my medications yesterday and then forgot to pick it up today, so I am withdrawing from it already. I am getting brain zaps, have the shakes, feel very edgy, keep feeling faint and basically like shit. All my fault, I should no better than letting any of my medications run out. Believe me I will be straight down the chemist first thing tomorrow to pick it up and will not forget again.

I had a rather embarrassing problem the other week and it has happened again this evening. The other week I had a lot of bleeding from my bottom, it wasn't just a tiny bit, it was a lot, probably to much information, but it was literally dripping into the toilet. In a panic I phoned NHS direct, who told me it was probably an internal hemeroid (great) and that I should go to the doctors the next day, well I chickened out, for a number of reasons, the main one being I haven't been going for my weight checks and blood tests and so far no one has noticed and so didn't want to 'draw attention' to that fact! Any ways all has been fine down there since, that is until tonight, it suddenly happened again. It is actually quite a frightening thing to happen, I am hoping that I will be able to forget about it again, as I DO NOT want to got to the doctors.



  1. Hey Amy, of course we care about you very much, and are worried seeing this! We completely understand your reasons for doing a water fast, and why your ED drives you in that direction- we have been there too. We are genuinely very worried about your safety, because we're not sure your body can take it right now. Could you also take multivitamins on the fast at all? and could you keep your phone on you at all times in case you start to feel very unwell, please? We'd really worry if you didnt. take care of yourself and big hugs from us

  2. That's very worrying hun :(
    I hope it's not too serious,

  3. Danielle+Amy, I didn't mean to worry you and I promise I will be careful, lots of love, xxx
