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Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder,Depression and Anorexia,I am described as a 'chronic' self harmer.My pets are my life,why don't you get to know us :)

Thursday 19 May 2011

Dreaded meeting

This morning was the dreaded meeting between my CMHT and family. I have been feeling sick and so anxious about it, but it had to happen.

To start with my psychiatrist couldn't make it in the end, but had passed on to my psychologist all that he needed to say, great start. The meeting quickly became about my Mum, she cried a lot about the fact that I don't love her like I love my Dad and that she has always been pushed out. She suggested that she and I should go away for a few days so we have to chat and bond. My psychologist jumped quickly in there and said that would be to much for me, instead we have agreed that a few of my last sessions with my psychologist with be with my Mum and I, to work on things.

I am being discharged still, it was going to be on the 10th of June, but now that we want to have some sessions with my Mum and also because that is the day I should be moving, it has been pushed back to probably the end of June. I will be back under the care of my GP, my psychologist said that I am all therapied out, I have been having therapy with her for 3 years, I have been taught the skills, I just need to put them in place.

My official diagnosis is now Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder, no longer bipolar, my new psychiatrist believes my mood disturbances are to rapid for bipolar.

So that is that, my Discharge CPA will be at the end of June time. One of my parents said that they were concerned as it was easy for the CMHT to just discharge me and they don't need to live with it every day like my family do, my psychologist said that that wasn't the case. She said it is easy to discharge someone when they are well and are safe, but it was actually a really hard decision to discharge someone who is still living the way I am and are still a massive risk to themselves. Says it all really.


  1. Hiya Amy, nice one on surviving that meeting! can imagine how scary that must have been! I'm pleased to see also that they've clarified your daignosis, and you now know where you stand :)
    Frustrating though that they're continuing with their plans. We really hope you can get a good arrangement with your GP to get maximum support, they should at the very least offer weekly check ups! Take care of you :)

  2. I am so sorry to hear how the meeting was.
    Your mum acted very selfishly.
    The meeting was about YOU and not so much about HER. I am afraid that you did not have any chances to say what YOU wanted to say because she was acting this way.

    Oh, I thought your diagnosis was Borderline before. How do you cope with the change of your diagnosis?
    You know, I am having Borderline personality disorder, too, and it is NOT the end of the world. A diagnosis is a chance for understanding why you are the way you are.

    I hope the sessions with your will be more helpful than the meeting yesterday.

    Lots of hugs, take care, Judith

  3. Hey Judith, my diagnosis was originally BPD, then they added bipolar as well and have now removed bipolar. Gets a tad confusing :)
