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Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder,Depression and Anorexia,I am described as a 'chronic' self harmer.My pets are my life,why don't you get to know us :)

Friday 27 May 2011

Therapy with the Mother

Today was therapy with my Mother. Well lets just say she showed her true colours. It started with how bad I made her feel after last weeks appointment with the whole family. Apparently I made out like my Dad was perfect and that she was rubbish, she went away feeling like the whole meeting was to have a dig at her. She started telling me all of the ways my Dad has let her down as she wants me to see that my Dad isn't perfect.

Then she moved on to the fact that I should except that she will always love my older brother more than me as he is special. My psychologist asked if she meant because he was her first born and is that what she means. My Mother proceeded to say that it wasn't because he is her first born, it is because he is special, apparently the love she feels for him hurts, that when my Dad used to tell him off it was like a knife through her heart, but it didn't feel the same for the rest of us.  She then went on to say that there are some things about her children that she loves and some things about them that she doesn't like, it just so happens to be that there are a lot more things about me that she doesn't like and I should accept that.

Then we moved on to the wetting myself thing. Apparently that whole thing was caused by my Dad, apparently he wanted to start toilet training me when I wasn't ready, so that was why I had so many problems in that area, so it wasn't in any way my Mothers fault, it was my Dads.

Now we get to the present day, apparently I am unfair to her as when ever I ring the house I ask to speak to my Dad and not her, that makes her feel left out and upsets her.

Oh well, I guess next week will be just as productive.


  1. You did it tho hun...you faced it and got thru it...you are amazing. And like i said on twitter...your mum sounds like a very insensitive bitch....not at all maternal like mums should be. Maybe she does have a mental health problem herself...sure sounds like it x x x x

  2. Any kind of therapy with the family always seems to turn out a disaster :\
    I hope it gets easier lovely <3

  3. I am sorry to hear how your appointment was.
    Well, I was afraid that it would be like that but I hoped that it will be well.

    In a way, I think it is good that she was that honest because now, your therapist has a prove how mean she is.
    And as sad as it sounds, you can stop hoping for a better relationship with her- at least, for the moment.

    Do you have any sessions with your therapist alone, too? Because I think it might be good if you have a chance to speak about how the sessions and the things she tells are for you.

    I hope you don't believe that it is only your dad's fault that you had the certain problem with wetting yourself.
    Because in one of your recent posts, it sounds like your mum is responsible for it.
    Don't let your mind be f***** by your mum.

    Well, my mum lately tried to tell me again that all my memories are wrong and for a short time, I started doubting them but luckily, I started to believe MY memories again because I know that they are right.

    Lots of hugs, Judith

    PS: The only family therapy session in my life was a disaster.
    It would be nice if things like that helped, instead of ending in bigger trouble.
