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Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder,Depression and Anorexia,I am described as a 'chronic' self harmer.My pets are my life,why don't you get to know us :)

Friday 22 April 2011

Nothing too drastic

So there was nothing too drastic to be heard at the doctors, I have very low iron due to the fact I have been bleeding a fair amount from my bottom. I am going to have a colonoscopy to check the source of the bleeding, but it is most likely to be internal hemeroids, but the main thing is nothing of concern (other than the iron) showed up in the blood test to indicate the bleeding is anything sinister.

My mood is a lot better, I am feeling a lot brighter. I feel a bit of a glow around me at the moment. I had my weekly appointment with my psychologist today rather than my usual Friday slot as obviously it is a bank holiday tomorrow. I talked a lot about my fear of food and about a strange habit I have picked up recently. The best way to describe it is that I become extremely obsessed and pre occupied about a certain food, but it becomes such an obsession that I actually eat it to stop myself obsessing over it. Which in turn makes me more anxious about it as I have eaten it. I probably haven't explained that very well, it is a hard thing to explain, but it is a relatively new thing that has been happening. I may make a video about it as it will be easier to explain.

I have had to have my jaw manipulated 4 days in a row as it has been locking. I am also having a problem with my left thumb at the moment, I hope the bone disease isn't developing there too.

I had my tenancy agreement for my new flat come through the other day, it makes it seem so real, I still find it hard to completely accept it is finally happening, it still feels like a bit of a dream. I watch the builders over there working on the roof of the building I am moving into, I will be able to move in as soon as they have finished. Maybe I could bribe them with cups of coffee and cakes to go faster!


  1. I'm glad it's not too much to worry about, I was getting anxious there !
    I'm so relieved to hear you're a bit brighter, it's always nice when the good mood fairy comes along :)

    I hope the flat goes quick ! Try the bribing haha,


  2. Yeah Im so happy that the results are not to bad...I was worrying myself but did not like to pester. And the good mood is always good :)
