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Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder,Depression and Anorexia,I am described as a 'chronic' self harmer.My pets are my life,why don't you get to know us :)

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Personal information

Tomorrow I have got an appointment with my psychologist, I didn't got to my last one as I felt to upset after the appointment I had with my psychiatrist. I no that I need to go, but I feel really upset about going, when I was in my  appointment with my psychiatrist he said that he had read emails that had been written between me and my psychologist. This really got to me, I have always had terrible trust issues and am ultra wary of confidentiality, probably a bit to wary of it sometimes. When the psychiatrist said he had read these emails I felt devastated as I thought they were personal and going to be kept that way. Now I no they are in my file for all to see, I hate my file, I hate seeing it, knowing it is full of stuff about me. I get so paranoid about it that I have an agreement with my psychologist that she doesn't write anything during our sessions, as I used to get so worked up about it.

Now all I can think about is those emails, they were private, if I had of known they were going to be in that bloody file I would never have written them.

I hate all of this information being stored about me, I can see the file in my head and I can feel myself tensing up just thinking about it. I no it is important stuff, but I wish I could destroy it, I dream about ripping it up, burning it, anything to get rid of it.

I don't want anyone having all of this information on me. I want it gone.

1 comment:

  1. That's really dissapointing, i'm so sorry it happened, I would feel the same way :(
    I've always felt like that about my file, especially in the psych hospital. It was only a 10 bed unit so all the files were kept on a shelf visible from outside the nurses station, I saw my name in big black letters on the spine of it and that image has never left me, so many people came and read that file. That file had all the bad things that have happened to me, and it was just there for the taking.

    I guess what i'm saying is I can empathise, and I wish there was a way around the files...it would save so many people so much distress,

