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Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder,Depression and Anorexia,I am described as a 'chronic' self harmer.My pets are my life,why don't you get to know us :)

Sunday 21 November 2010

My bloody ear again

My earaches are back, my right one is absolutely killing me, I have put up with these earaches for months, they are strange as they only happen in the evening, I no I don't have an ear infection, it just doesn't feel like that type of ear pain, but I don't understand what else it could be. I saw a nurse at my doctors surgery about it about a month ago and she told me it was pressure building up in my ears throughout the day and not to worry. Well tonight my right ear feels like it is going to explode, so I am worried! I have phoned NHS direct, which is a phone  number you call and tell them what's wrong, depending what is wrong you should get a nurse call you back with advice, if they feel like you need to see a doctor, they will arrange it. It is a good service, but I have been told that they are busy, so it could be up to 6 hours before I get a call back. I just want someone to tell me why my ears hurt and what to do to fix it!

Today has been a pyjama day, my sleeping tablets are doing great, so I have had two nights of good sleep, which is a welcome relief, so today I just did nothing, watched a couple of films, caught up on Eastenders, basically I had a day that every one should have on a Sunday, it should be the law.

I definitely feel a lot more positive mentally the last two days, I am determined to use this to my advantage, my next appointment with my psychologist is on Friday, I am determined that this week is going to be the week that when I turn up to my appointment and am asked the dreaded question "have you self harmed this week" I am going to be able to say no, I am going to make sure I am going to be able to say that, this is the week!

Am still not able to increase my calorie intake, to be honest I haven't really tried, I think I am going to focus on fixing one thing at a time, this week is self harm, maybe next week could be increasing my calorie intake.

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