About Me

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Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder,Depression and Anorexia,I am described as a 'chronic' self harmer.My pets are my life,why don't you get to know us :)

Saturday 13 November 2010

Nearly cried in New Look

I made a complete plank of myself today, I went to town with a friend, a really good friend of mine. We went into new look, which is a big clothes shop, it was really busy, what with it being Saturday. Suddenly I realised I had lost sight of my friend, I kept calm at first, looked around for her, but pretty soon the old heart starts pounding, I started sweating, everything started to get too noisy. Before I new it I am in a full blown panic attack, crying in the middle of new look. Eventually I was reunited with her, she gave me a cuddle and said why didn't I just call her on her mobile. How bloody simple, why the bloody hell didn't I just call her to ask where she was? Nope I go into a full blown panic attack, make a plank of myself yet again. I am a idiot.


  1. i do the same, no worries it feels awful but at the time you are so worried thinking about a mobile is not top on your priorities. and new look is huge esp the one near me. xxx

  2. It happens, it's horrible and I wish it didn't but it happens to all of us,
    Massive hugs :(
