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Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder,Depression and Anorexia,I am described as a 'chronic' self harmer.My pets are my life,why don't you get to know us :)

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Strange question for you

I have a strange question for you, do you think it is wrong to love your therapist? I have been seeing my psychologist weekly for over three years now, she knows more about me than any body else in the entire world, I trust her more than I ever trusted anyone in my life. I have developed a love for her, obviously it is not a sexual love, or a love that you would feel for a family member, it is a type of love I have never felt before. It is a warm type of love, a trusting type of love, a comforting type of love. I feel like she really wants me to get better and truly cares what happens to me. I also feel this deep urge to make her proud of me, I want to show her I can do things, I guess it is like wanting to please a parent as a child.

Is this wrong?


  1. hey, no i dont think this is wrong it sounds what therapy is supposed to be like. my therapist used to tell me that the bond we had together was supposed to represent other kinds of relationships. so if you were low on parental love as a child your making up for it now with your therapist. its great u want to make her proud but dont feel that you have let her down if you slip up cos thats what recovery is all about slipping up and getting up and trying again. xxx kim

  2. I think Kiz is completely right,
    They fill a spot in your life that doesn't have to involve wanting power or some kind of lust and attraction over the other person, they just genuinely care about you. You form such a bond with them that they become almost like one of your closest friends without the normal social aspect.
    Take care Amy,
