About Me

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Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder,Depression and Anorexia,I am described as a 'chronic' self harmer.My pets are my life,why don't you get to know us :)

Thursday 19 August 2010

My cat is sick

My beloved Bob, who is quite possibly the worlds most lovely cat (well in my eyes) is sick. He has been sick since birth and has a long list of problems, I just really feel so sorry for him as it is one thing after another. He has a bigger medicine cabinet than me (and that is saying something!) I love him so much and couldn't bare to be with out him.

I stuck to 128 calories yesterday and then binged and purged today, I wish my mind could stick to one or the other, I don't no what I am at the moment.

This is my second day without self harming, so I guess that is good.

My parents are coming back from their holiday tomorrow evening. I have really missed my Dad, although I don't live with my parents (well when I am well any ways!)I have really missed just being down the road from my Dad.

I don't no if any one actually reads my blog, or whether I am just talking to my self, but there is no change there!

1 comment:

  1. I read it, and I find you easy to relate to and I hope dearly that you are able to recover :)
    I know how tough it is, how exhausting every single day is, but have hope,
    (this is my attempt at being positive, it doesn't happen often so sorry if it sucks :P )

    Take care,
    Lucy x
