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Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder,Depression and Anorexia,I am described as a 'chronic' self harmer.My pets are my life,why don't you get to know us :)

Sunday 29 August 2010

Went out yesterday

Yesterday I left my flat, it is the first time for a while, apart from to the hospital. I felt very anxious about it, I probably wouldn't have done it if it hadn't have been for the fact it was my Dads 60th birthday party. My sister picked me up, other wise I don't think I would have done it.

It was OK, a bit overwhelming, as there were so many people there. What was most difficult was of course every asking what had happened to my arm, as obviously I have the stupidly over the top back slab plaster cast on it, and there is no hiding it. I went with I fell over, most people would leave it at that, but some people would probe further, so I went with one worded answers. I probably came across as quite rude, but that is tough, people shouldn't be so nosey.

That is the hardest thing at the moment, I have what they call a back slab on my arm, I woke up with it on after the operation. A back slab is mainly made from plaster, but it is not a full cast to allow for swelling after the operation. It is big and heavy, very uncomfortable and extremely hard to hide. I have to keep it on to protect the healing tendons, I will have it for two weeks after the operation, then I have to attend the hand clinic. Depending on how it is will depend on what happens next. I may come away with another back slab, which I will be gutted about, a normal plaster cast, which will be lighter and easier to hide, or finally a plastic splint, which will be moulded to my hand to fit perfectly. So we will have to wait and see. I just want it over and done with, but I no it is going to be a long process, I will need months of physiotherapy to get any kind of function back to my hand.

I still can't believe I have done this to myself.

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